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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 551-722

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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On Summation of Series of Hyperbolic Functions

Chih-Bing Ling

pp. 551-562

An Approximation of Harmonic Functions in $E^3$ by Potentials of Unit Charges

D. T. Piele

pp. 563-568

On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of $x'(t) = - a(t)f(x(t - r(t)))$

John R. Haddock

pp. 569-573

Best Rational Function Approximation for Laplace Transform Inversion

I. M. Longman

pp. 574-580

Exponential Decay of Functionals of Solutions of a Pseudoparabolic Equation

V. G. Sigillito

pp. 581-585

Inequalities for Jacobi Polynomials and Dirichlet Averages

B. C. Carlson

pp. 586-596

An Initial Value Problem from Semiconductor Device Theory

M. S. Mock

pp. 597-612

Two-Timing Methods Valid on Expanding Intervals

F. W. Kollett

pp. 613-625

Lie Theory and Separation of Variables. I: Parabolic Cylinder Coordinates

Willard Miller, Jr

pp. 626-643

A Note on a Nonexistence Theorem for Nonlinear Wave Equations

Howard A. Levine

pp. 644-648

An Elementary Tauberian Theorem for Absolutely Continuous Functions and for Series

Donald G. Saari

pp. 649-662

Constructive Existence for Semilinear Elliptic Equations with Discontinuous Coefficients

Alan R. Elcrat

pp. 663-672

Calculation of an Adiabatic Invariant by Turning Point Theory

Wolfgang Wasow

pp. 673-700

An Elementary Proof of the Existence of Solutions to Second Order Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

J. S. Muldowney and D. Willett

pp. 701-707

A Representation for a Distributional Solution of the Heat Equation

H. D. Meyer

pp. 708-722